Why Some Scientists Have Trouble Believing in Hashem
11 Arguments and their Responses for the Scientific Method and Basic Philosophy. 1. Positing God is not a solution: who created God? God is the eternal, ultimate cause of existence. [...]
11 Arguments and their Responses for the Scientific Method and Basic Philosophy. 1. Positing God is not a solution: who created God? God is the eternal, ultimate cause of existence. [...]
Does Quantum Physics Make it Easier to Believe in Hashem? Not in any direct way. That is, it doesn’t provide an argument for the existence of God. But it does so indirectly, by providing an [...]
The Big Bang Theory Actually Proves God The big bang theory is good news for God and the truth of the Bible. Until the mid-1960′s, the overwhelming opinion of the scientific community was that [...]
What Does the Big Bang Say About God We seem to live in a world where we assume that science and faith are mutually exclusive and if something is thought to be scientific then it won’t mesh [...]
The Mysterious Clumping Universe If you’re an astrophysicist, you might look at the above image and ask yourself how these nearby galaxies are distributed. Are they regularly distributed? [...]
Why Stephen Hawking is Wrong About God Not Creating the Universe Stephen Hawking has garnered a lot of admiration and respect as a brilliant physicist and cosmologist. His book, A Brief History [...]
The strength of the force of Gravity as an example of cosmic fine tuning The strength of the force of gravity is a specific example of cosmic fine-tuning. If gravity was much stronger than it is, [...]
The universe appears to be fine-tuned for life. For example, seemingly infinitesimal adjustments to the dark-energy density or gravitational constant would render most conceivable forms of life [...]
With thanks to Prager University from the Huffingtom Post: Posted: 04/15/2015 9:06 am EDT Scientists Scan 100,000 Galaxies And See No Signs Of Alien Life. What Do E.T. Hunters Say Now? Just how [...]