Venus Flytraps – Creepier Than We Imagined! When it comes to digesting its prey, this plant is a calculating killer. If you accidentally get transformed into a fly, and get caught in a [...]
Superb bird-of-paradise description Birds of paradise are famed for their elaborate plumage and fascinating, often bizarre, courtship displays, and the superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina superba) [...]
The four front teeth in each arch are called incisors, and their function is to cut food with their sharp thin edges. On each side of the incisors, at the corners of the mouth, are the canines. [...]
The Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica) is a venomous viper along the equatorial belt of Africa, East and Central Africa and southeast Africa. In the African Portuguese-speaking countries, it can be [...]
Amazing Creation – The Golden Orb Spider New discoveries about things that happen in nature come out on a regular basis, and some of them are so incredible that they are hard to believe. [...]
All life on earth needs water for its survival. So the oceans play one of the most important roles for life on earth. Water on Earth is two-third of the Earth’s surface. Due to its depth, sea [...]